
When you read the pages linked to below, keep in mind that we've been on this journey for a long time, at least 10 years.  Don't try to change everything at once!   It will cost too much money and you'll get depressed.

If you replace the products you currently use with healthier versions first, and then transition to healthier products overall, it will be much easier.

I've listed a few transition steps below the links if you need help. Replace the things that will have the biggest impact first.  Each step can take as long as you need - one week, one month, as funds allow - whatever will cause the least stress.  After you conquer each step, move on to the next.

Yes, you can heal yourself.

Some of the things I do to decrease our toxic load.

Why BIODYNAMIC is better than organic. 

Biodynamic products I have bought (in the USA).

Organic products I have bought (in the USA).

Tableware - what not to use and why.

Cookware - what not to use and why.

STEP ZERO - crucial, you should have done this yesterday!
If you use aluminum cookware you should replace it immediately.
If you use brightly colored dishes, you should replace them immediately.
If your water is suspect, get a filter (either RO or steam distilled).

Change from table salt to Himalayan Pink Salt.
Eliminate all refined oils.  Use ghee, lard, tallow, coconut oil, and EVOO instead.
Always buy the Dirty Dozen organic or biodynamic.
Start replacing your personal care products (toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, etc...). 
Start collecting glass containers.

Wean yourself off chicken (worst omega 3:6 ratio of any meat)
If you must eat fish, make sure it's wild caught (small fish are best)
Switch to pasture-raised animal protein (meat, eggs, dairy).

STEP THREE (this is the hard one!):
Stop buying packaged goods:  one by one, learn to...make them from scratch.

STEP FOUR (if step zero didn't apply to you):
Get one or two safe pieces of cookware, which ones depend on what you use most.
Get one set of safe (glass or porcelain) dishes
Get a water filter.

You're almost there now!
One by one, add the things that are most important to you:
Buy more and more organic/biodynamic. 
If your sleep suffers, work on the bedroom.

If you use a lot of make-up, start replacing it.
If you clean a lot, replace your household cleaners (baking soda is a cheap and effective replacement, so is vinegar).

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